Hey There
The Gila County Museum is located on the Old West Highway in Globe in the 1920 Mine Rescue Station. For us, it’s all about history and service. The research library is one of the best places to find information on lost relatives, rural Arizona, or the local mining industry. The research volunteers will work with you to find the information you need, and the history greeters will make your visit fun and informative.
Gila County Historical Society
Board of Directors
John Armer
Robert Bigando
Peggy Hilker
Dee Hunt
Kenneth Johnson
Myrna Lenox
Linda Lopez
Mary Anne Moreno
Peggy Snow
Ken Hein
Carl Lopez
Sheldon Miller
Fernando Shipley
Aimee Staten May Sullivan
Randy Sullivan
Claudia Armer
Katrina Kjellstrom-Holmes
Chris Bruscha
Charles Snow
Mary Anne Moreno - President
Carl Lopez - Vice President
Peggy Snow - Secretary
Sheldon Miller - Treasurer
Robert Bigando - Gila County Historical Director
Honorary Members: Ken Hein, Stan Gibson and Bob Zache