May 18, 2018
The Old West Highway - where history still lives. Travel in the footsteps of legends of the west. Experience 600 years of western history. Take U. S. 60 and 70 between Apache Junction, AZ., and Lordsburg, N.M. The Old West Highway wanders through history, weaving an irregular pattern between fact and legend while follow. . .

Jan. 14, 2019
In 1923, with no bus service and few cars, attending a game at the nearest high school meant about a seven-mile walk with few stopping places in between. Parents objected strongly to this, not only because of the distance but because of a rivalry that has no modern comparison. Gang fights and. . .

Jan. 10, 2019
The history of Globe High School. Graduates includes Rose Mofford, the first female governor of the state, Jimmy Lopez, the hero of the Iran Hostage Incident of 1979, and Larry Perino, at one time the youngest major in the US Army and a participant in “Black Hawk Down” in Somalia. . .

March 14, 2018
The museum deals with artifacts, the history of “Our Towns," mining, people that lived here in the past, old houses, businesses, and their owners that have come and gone, and stories. My favorite part of working with our museum is the stories that people share: the remember-when stories. I have found that re-remembering is why. . .

April 24, 2018
Rosie Perica Mofford is a great and special lady who was born and grew up in Globe, Arizona. Years later when Rose became a household name to the people of Arizona, she attributed much of her success to her wonderful family and growing up in the rural copper mining community of Globe. The Gila. . .

Feb. 8, 2018
You never know what kind of adventure a day in the Gila County Historical Museum will bring you. You might be working as a docent to share the history of our area that is within the walls of our museum or searching for an artifact that someone thinks that we might have or looking for. . .